Contributed by Christine M. Storey August 4, 2012.
In March of 1863, Idaho had become a territory, but when it became a state in the summer of 1890, many Latter Day Saints families from Utah were called upon to relocate into the Carey Valley Idaho region to help settle and build communities in that Valley. These were some of the early settlers and families: Billingsly, Smith, Cameron, Bradley, Young, Evans, Burgess, McGarey, Case, Peterson, Dix, Ainsworth, Kelly, Hodgman, Miller, Phippens, Howard, Vaughn, Eldredge, Baird, Rawson, Stanford, Wilde, Adamson, and Dilworth.
Henry Phillip Wilde was born in 1832. He immigrated to America in May 1859 with his wife, Jane (Batchelor) Wilde, born in 1833, and their three children: John Fredrick, Mary Elizabeth and Heber Wilde. Henry, Jane and their three children were all born in England.
Photograph of Henry P. Wilde
Pushing their hand carts across the plains, they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in September 1859. However, story had been told that Henry was sick during the trek and was placed on the sick wagon for most of the journey to Utah. In this valley, Henry and Jane farmed and raised a family of eleven children. Eight of these children were born in Utah: Sarah Maria, William S., Walter Henry, Emma Matilda, Emanuel, Joseph Thomas, Jane and Benjamin Charles Wilde.
photos.htmlPhotograph of Henry & Jane (Batchelor) Wilde
In 1891, Henry's wife, Jane had preceded him in death, while Henry survived another eight years before his time came. Henry and Jane were both buried in Coalville, Utah along with several of their children.
Photograph of Henry Phillips Wilde (Older)
In the early 1900s, three sons of Henry and Jane Wilde had moved into the Carey Valley region. They were Emanuel, Benjamin Charles and Walter Henry Wilde. After obtaining land grants, the brothers strived to farm and to raise their families through the hard times and good times as they seen many changes during their lifetime. They were always faithful to the Mormon faith. They were buried in the Carey Cemetery as well as many other members of their family.
Emanuel Wilde, the eighth child of Henry and Jane Wilde, who married Annie Howard. In this marriage, they had five children. In 1900, he and his family were the first to relocate to Carey Valley, Idaho where he obtained 160 acres of homestead land. A year later, Annie had passed away. After his wife's death, he soon remarried to Betsey Slaughter, and they had an additional six children. Emanuel and Betsey contend to farmed and raised their eleven children in the valley. They died in 1958 and 1956, respectively.
Benjamin Wilde, the eleventh child, who married Mary May Welch. He came shortly after his brother, Emanuel in the early 1910s, and raised three children in the Carey Valley. Benjamin and Mary both died in 1951.
Walter Henry Wilde, the sixth, married Polly Cherry. They had relocated to Carey Valley sometime after1910---the exact year isn't clear. Walter and Polly raised their seven children: James Henry, Lawrence Edric, Lydia Ellen, Nellie, Albert Francis, Hershel Harold and Ruby May Wilde. Walter proceeded in death in 1947, and his wife Polly followed in 1950.
Children of Walter & Polly (Cherry) Wilde
Joseph & Emily (Gibbons) Dilworth
Joseph Dilworth born in 1835 came to America about 1869, eventually he had moved to Salt Lake City where he met his bride-to-be. His wife, Emily Sophia Gibbons was born in 1857 in England. She came to America sometime prior to 1880 but was enumerated in the Salt Lake City area as a single woman. Joseph and Emily met and to be married in Salt Lake City sometimes after the 1880 census enumeration. In 1900, both Joseph and Emily appeared in Pleasant Grove, Utah location with their nine children: Ruth, Edith Mary, Joseph Gibbons, Ernest, Milton Perry, Sarah, William Frederick, Ariel Tracy, Ethel Marie.
After Joseph passed away from heart problems in 1904, he was buried in one of the cemeteries in Pleasant Grove. Emily had decided to move the family to Carey Valley sometime after her husband's death but before 1907 when she had applied for a land grant in Idaho. She was granted a 40-acre parcel in the Carey Valley. Emily had then raised five of her youngest children in this valley. While living her days in Carey Valley, she had obtained work as a housekeeper while taking care of her children, and working her land. She also attended her church meetings and always stayed faithful to her religious beliefs. In 1950, Emily died in Carey, and was removed to Pleasant Grove, Utah to be buried next to her husband.
Lawrence Edric Wilde, son of Walter Henry and Polly (Cherry) Wilde was born on December 13, 1887 in Coalville, Utah, where he spent his childhood years working on the family ranch helping with daily family chores. Eventually, he became gainfully employed from other farmers and ranchers in the area. He had been faithfully attending church and following the Mormon teachings all his life. A typical day for Lawrence started at sunrise and ended at sunset. He had been well-known for his ability to break and train horses for riding and workloads, which in those days; it was a very important livelihood for ranching or farming communities. He also was good with the stock and farming.
Sarah "Sadie" Dilworth, daughter of Joseph and Emily Dilworth was born on January 21, 1892 in Salt Lake City. After moving with her mother and siblings to Carey Valley, she was hired on as a housekeeper and cook at one of the locals, while at the same time, she had helped care for her younger siblings and the family household chores whenever her mother wasn't at home. Her long days were always filled with demanding tasks. Another word she had no idling hours, which it had prepared her for a demanding life in her future years as a wife, mother, companion and working mate alongside her future husband, Lawrence Wilde.
Lawrence and Sadie lived, worked and attended church in the same vicinity where they'd met and grew very close. In 1911, they had decided to get marry. On the days prior to their wedding date, they left Carey Valley to Salt Lake City, the snow had been so deep that it was necessary to travel by horse-drawn sleigh to Picabo, Idaho, and then catch the train to Salt Lake City. On November 8, 1911, Lawrence and Sadie were married in the Salt Lake Temple. However, the couple had to spend that winter in Salt Lake City before heading back to Carey Valley in the following spring.
In October 1912, Lawrence received a homestead grant of 40 acres (Patent No. 294519). This land was located approximately a mile from Carey. Lawrence and Sadie then built their home on the hillside overlooking the Carey Lake and the local cemetery. In August 1918, Lawrence obtained an additional 80 acres (Patent No. 646536) and in May 1930 added 560 acres (Patent No. 1036860) to his land holdings.
In the early 1900s, Lawrence had obtained a brand iron to be used to identify his livestock. This brand iron held the initials of his wife of S - D. Descendants today still use this brand iron.
"Smokey" with S-D Branding Mark
After the original home had been built, their next home was built on the other side of the homestead land by Little Wood River until it was burnt down years later. With the help of Worth Eldredge, the family home was rebuilt out of molded stone blocks and timber interiors. This home stood until the late 1970s when it was sold to a Merrill Taylor of which it got burnt and gutted out by fire.
In the years since the Wilde family came to Idaho, they saw many changes. There were hardships, droughts, and depression years while trying to raise cattle, but then sheep took its place when there was no money in the cattle industry. The Wilde herded the cattle and sheep in the desert region at springtime, and winterizes them sometimes in Montana during harsh years. Farming grain and hay upon the dry land, later added some irrigation and expanded more land for crops. The family grew and prospered in Carey Valley. The Wilde were always compassionate, helping friends and family members, and doing their duties in the church and staying strong in their beliefs.
Lawrence Wilde & Sons
Veldon, Myron, Lawrence, & Luzell Wilde
Four sons were born to Lawrence and Sadie: Edric Henry (1912), Luzell Dilworth (1917), Myron Linton (1921) and Veldon Lawrence (1931). In August 1925, tragedy struck upon the family, their eldest son, Edric Henry, at the age of 13 had been drugged to his death while riding his horse through the canal on hilltop. He had been buried in the Carey Cemetery. In later years, both Luzell and Veldon went on church missions, and then relocated to Utah where they lived and raised their own families. Myron, the third son, married and remained in Idaho. He had four children, one died as a child. He later divorced his wife and remarried to raise a step-daughter. He and his second wife, Norma, and son Basil of his first marriage, were buried in the Carey Cemetery.
Sometimes in 1955, Lawrence and Sadie decided to relocate to Jerome, Idaho, where they purchased a small apartment building on the corner of C Street and Adams Avenue. For several years, Lawrence continued to run cattle and supervised ranching operation at the family ranch in Carey, where his son Myron continued to live and ran the family ranch.
On August 11, 1978 Lawrence passed away, his wife Sadie followed him a couple of years later on October 24, 1980. Both were buried at the Carey Cemetery as well as two of their sons, a grandson, several siblings, parents, ancestors, and descendants of the Wilde and Dilworth Families.
photos.htmlPhotograph Lawrence Wilde (Older)
Today, many of the descendants of the Wilde and Dilworth families still reside in the Carey Valley farming and raising their families to keep their legacy alive in Idaho.
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