Idaho's Genealogy Tips Series:

Searching for Birth Facts in Idaho Resources

Contributed by Matthew D. Friend November 10, 2017

Sample Birth Certificate

Every day a baby is born to someone, somewhere, and often that birth is recorded by some official and sends that information to the local government who requires records of that birth. Today, family historians often search for date of births, deaths, and marriages to complete their family tree. And oftentimes, those dates aren’t available in some official record.

For early birth dates we must rely upon those information on some gravestone in cemeteries, but often still that doesn’t always come with complete date, such as December 4, 1844. Other ways to find these dates are from other records, death certificate, newspapers, military records, or even in historical works where local, county, state gives biographical information of those who lived there at the time.

Let say your ancestor was born after the 20th century, like in the State of Idaho, it became required to fill out a birth certificate from July 1, 1911 to present days. Of course, anyone can request a copy of the birth or stillbirth certificates, if known. I’ll if information at the end.

Birth Indexes Online:

The following databases have indexed birth records from a certain period. I’ll provide you will the links to those sites, whether paid or free sites. I will provide you with a great source to find some “non-adoption” records if you learn that your ancestor was sent to the children’s home society in Idaho. I learn of this part for someone I helped research his Idahoan roots.

Idaho Birth or Adoption Resources:

You’ll find the titles and links for each database, along with description of that database or resources to obtain more information on purchasing birth certificates or the “non-adoption” records.

 [FREE]   Idaho Births and Christenings, 1856-1965

Description: This index is an electronic index for the years 1856 to 1965. This index is not complete for any place, region, or period. This collection may include information previously published in the International Genealogical Index or Vital Records Index collections.

 [FREE]   Idaho, Birth Index, 1861-1911

Description: This collection contains a birth index, 1861-1911 from the Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics of births filed between July 1, 1911 and December 31, 1911. The index also includes births filed with the Bureau before the office was open.

 [FREE]   Idaho, County Birth, and Death Records, 1883-1929  

Description: This collection consists of a database and images of county birth and death registers for the following counties (coverage varies between counties) for the years 1883 to 1929. Image File Available.

 []   Idaho, Birth Index, 1861-1916, Stillbirth Index, 1905-1966

Description: In Idaho, registration of births wasn’t required until 1907, though some births were recorded at a local level. In July 1911 the state Bureau of Vital Records assumed responsibility for maintaining records from all over the state. This collection is an index to live and stillborn Idaho births beginning in 1861. The number of records available will increase as dates get later. Details recorded in this index can include: name

  • certificate year and number
  • city and county of birth
  • date and time of birth
  • father’s name, age, and birthplace
  • mother’s name, age, and birthplace

Idaho, County Birth, and Death Records, 1907-1920 This database contains birth and death records for select counties in Idaho.

 []   Children's Home Society of Idaho

Description: We provide mental, emotional, and behavioral health care services to more than 100 children and family members each day. Through counseling and therapy our goal is to help our clients develop coping skills, attitudes, and positive experiences necessary to succeed in educational settings and lead happy, healthy, and productive lives. As one of the most experienced outpatient providers of behavioral health services, Warm Springs Counseling Center (WSCC) serves thousands of children and families every year. A Sliding Scale Discount Program is always available for those who qualify.

 []   Idaho Birth, Death, Stillbirth/Miscarriage, Marriage, Divorce Certificates

Description: The Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics maintains birth and death records filed from July 1911 to the present, and marriage and divorce records filed from May 1947 to the present. Some counties may have older birth, death, marriage, or divorce records in their files, but county files contain only records of vital events that occurred in that county.

Birth certificates are legally confidential in Idaho for 100 years. Death, stillbirth/miscarriage, marriage, and divorce certificates are legally confidential in Idaho for 50 years. Click on the lunk abover to order by Mail or Online.

Bureau of Vital Records & Health Statistics
450 West State Street
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 334-5988
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Last Updated: 11/10/2017

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